Why is the Mailchimp Salesforce Integration Not Working?

Reviews of the Mailchimp Salesforce Integration

This honestly boggles my mind! Salesforce is clearly the market leader in CRM. And Mailchimp is an awesome email marketing platform, generally speaking. They do what they do really, really well. They must have smart engineers on their team to solve problems. Why isn’t each company important enough to the other to fix this problem!?

Why is the Mailchimp Salesforce integration so bad?!

I’ve seen way too many examples where data just gets STUCK and it doesn’t flow back and forth smoothly as it should. You’ll go crazy (and waste too many hours of your life) trying to troubleshoot this. You can’t solve the problem as the user because the problem is rooted in the integration tool itself!

Mailchimp Integration with Salesforce JUST DOESN”T WORK!

My advice is that you need to choose between your systems: One to keep and one has to go. They’re not your children and don’t have feelings 🙂

There are good alternatives to Mailchimp that do indeed integrate nicely with Salesforce! For the most common needs clients have, I really like: Mass Mailer.

It’s a really solid tool and while they don’t have a logo as cute as that lil’ chimp, they’ll send your emails and cause you less headaches. But it depends on what you need from a mass email tool and we always suggest whatever is the best fit for your specific situation.

And if you decide you want to stick with Mailchimp, we are happy to help you do that too and fix the bugs.

Whatever your Salesforce questions are — we’re here to help (and the first hour is free)! Just tell us what’s going on and we’re happy to help!

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